
Teamviewer alternative
Teamviewer alternative

It is one of the easiest and fastest way to access your Mac or Windows PC from your tablet, smartphone, or another computer. The remote desktop solution supports streaming audio and video, manage and transfer files and you can use upto 5 computers with the personal edition which is free. It is available on Windows, OS X, Linux, Android and iOS. Splashtop Personal is free for personal use on your local home network. Splashtop is another good remote desktop solution which offers both personal and business solutions. The tool is pretty simple to use and if you are looking for an easy option to remote desktop, then this tool is quite good and available with Windows by default.

teamviewer alternative

You can control and manage a PC using the remote desktop connection, there is no option to manage multiple PCs.

teamviewer alternative teamviewer alternative

To start a connection, you can open the remote desktop connection from Control panel. Windows Remote desktop is one of the basic free options and available as a part of Windows and provided by Microsoft.

Teamviewer alternative