Mars 2023
Februari 2023
9 Mars 2023 - 15:15
Endnote cite while you write an unknown error occured
15 Common Problems with rmarkdown (and some solutions).
14 Captioning and referencing equations.
13.6 How to move the bibliography location.
13.5 How to change the bibliography style.
13 Citing Articles & Bibliography Styles.
12.4 How to refer to tables and figures in text?.
10.4 Which chunk options should you care about for this?.
7.4.1 A note on workflow with rmarkdown: HTML first, PDF/word later.
7.4 How do I convert to HTML, PDF, or Word?.
6.8 Nick’s rmarkdown hygiene recommendations.
6.4 The anatomy of an rmarkdown document.
5.12.1 Aside: Creating an RStudio project.
5.9 Your Turn: Use your own rstudio project.
5.5 When you start a new project: Open a new RStudio project.
4.4 What is RStudio, and why should I use it?.
2.9 R Markdown helps complete the solution to the reproducibility problem.
2.7 Markdown as a new player to legibility.
2.6 Literate programming is a partial solution.
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